Who Else Wants 1-on-1 Fast-Results Coaching with Jonathan Bailor?
Before we get too far in, just a quick heads-up that we only have a few more spots open for the brand new Fast-Results 1-on-1 Coaching Program with me!  

This is the only time this year that I can guarantee I'll be available to personally take you by the hand and lead you to at least 37lbs of hunger-free delicious weight loss… fast (and guaranteed… more below).

Even better…   

This is your BEST shot to finally put an end to all of your weight, health, energy, and mood frustrations and get the results you’ve been working so hard for… for decades… literally decades, right?


There’s a lot of confusion about what to eat and when to eat, to unlock fast weight loss while...IMPROVING your health, mood, and energy.

Everyone has an opinion.  

There’s one rail thin woman showing off her stomach telling you to “go keto”… there’s another woman in a bikini -- who’s obviously had a lot of plastic surgery -- talking about paleo and why it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread…  

Some will tell you that it's CRITICAL to eat 6 times per day… others tell you to not eat at all on some days (aka “fasting”).

What gives!?  

One of the reasons I worked with top medical doctors at top medical schools in the world to create SANE was to cut through the insanity and make major rapid -- and healthy -- weight loss easy and delicious again…  

The real “secret” I learned is that weight loss is far simpler than everyone makes it out to be.

Using science-based principles that are endorsed by top Ivy League doctors in the world that are PROVEN to get you results… (faster than anyone previously thought possible)…  

It’s not always the fanciest or trendiest sounding method on the planet, but it absolutely works every single time for everyone who does it… I promise!  

But then I noticed another problem…  

Which is why I decided to start this 1-on-1 coaching program in the first place.


Millions of people have tried one of our SANE programs and products… you’re probably one of them…  

And we were getting a lot of the same questions and feedback…  

“Jonathan, is there a way you can personalize this for me specifically?” 

“Jonathan, I want to do this but I feel like I am addicted to sweets? What do I do?”

“How do I stay motivated? I did great the first couple of weeks… but I’ve gotten off track the last few days” 

So we realized a lot of people needed a personalized and caring coach in their corner…  


Most celebrities and all pro athletes hire coaches because the truth is…   

The most disciplined people on the planet STILL NEED someone to make it easy for them, strip out the guesswork, give them a plan, and keep them motivated and on track. 

So don’t feel ashamed if you’ve had a bad couple of days, weeks, or even months…  

You just need someone who is qualified and cares to keep you accountable… and of course, give you a foolproof personalized diet and movement plan that will get you results you can see and feel from the moment you open your eyes in the morning to the moment you shut them at night.  

And that’s what we’re going to do inside of your SANE Fast-Results 1-on-1 coaching program with me…  

And when you sign up for our 1-on-1 coaching program:
  • You get direct access to me via email so we can personalize every science-backed fat burning trick to lower your setpoint weight so that your body literally fights to burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year… 

  • Nutrition secrets that ignite your metabolism…  

  • Recipes and meal plans that quickly melt fat off your belly, hips, and thighs without giving up the foods you love (bread and sweets ARE on your menu!)...

  • Shockingly simple solutions to overcome plateaus while healing your thyroid and hormones…  

  • Simple daily habits that shrink your risk of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and stroke...

  • And so much more. Including tactics I’ve NEVER SHARED inside of my other SANE Fast-Results programs (which are guaranteed to get you lightning-fast results)  

 In fact, I will make you ten promises:
  1. You will have access to the best clinically-proven Ivy League Medical School backed eating and exercise science 
  2. You will never need to look anywhere else for help reaching your goal weight
  3. You will never wonder what to do next
  4. You will never wonder what to eat
  5. You will never feel deprived
  6. You will never feel hungry
  7. You will never feel alone
  8. You won’t be asked to pay some absurd sum of money by a sales person disguised as a coach on a “welcome call”
  9. You will be able to communicate with me whenever works for you without any worry as we’ll do it over email
  10. You will get concrete written guidance (not just nonsense verbal hype that makes you feel good, but doesn’t actually give you anything to work with)

Everything you need to succeed will be at YOUR SERVICE all hours of the day, 7 days a week.  We will do WHATEVER it takes for you… period.

When I say this is the ONLY Science-Based Coaching System I’ve ever made…  

And it uses the entire vault of science-based protocols in my arsenal.

So prepare to be pleasantly surprised when you try some of these new techniques and see impressive results in the mirror almost immediately.  

Here’s a little glimpse of what you get inside the SANE Fast-Results 1-on-1 Coaching program:  
  • Direct access to me via email

  • Specific grocery lists, recipes, and meal planning…

  • Step-by-step video, audio, and text-based simple fun educational lessons

  • Custom workouts that can be done in minutes in your home no matter how much or little exercise experience or physical limitations you have… 

  • Custom nutrition plans to reach your goals fast while enjoying food you love…  

  • Access to over 1,200 delicious recipes

  • Custom simple tools that work on your phone, tablet, computer, or even paper to make tracking easy and fun…  

 You may be wondering who this is for?  I’ll be happy to answer that…  
  • If you’re still struggling to stick with healthy habits ON YOUR OWN…  

  • If you feel stuck with no visible results no matter how hard you try…  

  • If you’re losing motivation and losing sight of the goals you set for yourself when you started…  

  • If you feel like you’ve tried everything and none of it works for you

  • If you feel overwhelmed with all the confusing and conflicting diet information out there

  • If you have a family history of or have concerns about dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, PCOS, digestive issues, liver dysfunction, chronic inflammation, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or stroke...

    The SANE Fast-Results 1-on-1 Coaching Program with me is for you…

    It’s also for you if you…

    • Don’t feel like you have a simple, easy to follow “paint-by-numbers“ path to reach your dream body…  

    • Don’t know how to progress from week-to-week to keep the pounds falling off…  

    • Struggle with what to eat because of all the conflicting diet information out there… 

    • Have specific “trouble spots” you would give almost anything to firm up and slim down…  

    • If you feel like something about your past or present situation makes your health and weight loss goals impossible

    • If you feel like the medical system simply doesn’t understand you and haven’t provided the consistent compassionate care you deserve

    • If you feel like your mind, energy, or both are slowly slipping away, day by day   

       And being coached by me within this program will WORK for you…

      • Even if you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, have thyroid issues, frequently feel anxious, depressed, or suffer with low-energy

      • Even if you can’t remember what it’s like to be at your ideal weight… 

      • Even if you tend to lose motivation all the time…  

      • Even if you emotionally eat and have strong cravings for sweets and starches…  

      • Even if you’ve failed to follow previous online programs… 

      • Even if you’re alone and it seems like nobody wants to help you…  

      Just like it has for so many others…  
      If you are ready for results like this (guaranteed)...

      And you want to cut through the clutter and overwhelm of eating “right”...

      You want to put an end to your confusion, suffering, frustration, and fear

      And you want unstoppable motivation that’ll help you reach your goals FASTER without any bumps in the road…

      Now is your time to make it happen…

      I can promise you…

      We have under 100 spots remaining which will be filled up by the end of the week, maybe faster…

      So please don't miss out, and there’s no risk here either…

      There’s no long-term commitment…

      Don’t like it, you can stop at any time…

      Likewise, we want to make sure we can help you with your specific goals…

      So if we can’t for whatever reason, we’ll let you know and recommend someone else who can help.

      Sound good?

      And just in case you are wondering, let's cover some frequently asked questions to make sure you feel 100% comfortable and confident...

      What You Get in the Program

      • Direct Email Access to Me: Personalized advice based on clinically-proven science.

      • Custom Nutrition and Meal Plans: Enjoy your favorite foods while losing weight.

      • Overcome Plateaus: Heal your thyroid and hormones for continuous progress.

      • Daily Habits for Longevity: Reduce your risk of cancer, dementia, and heart disease.

      • Recipes and Meal Plans: Quickly melt fat off your belly, hips, and thighs without giving up the foods you love (bread and sweets ARE on your menu!).

      • Simple Solutions to Overcome Plateaus: Heal your thyroid and hormones for continuous progress.

      • Daily Habits for Long-Term Health: Shrink your risk of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and stroke.

      • Exclusive Tactics: Including techniques I’ve never shared in other SANE programs, guaranteed to get you lightning-fast results.

      • Access to Over 1,200 Delicious Recipes

      • Step-by-Step Video, Audio, and Text-Based Lessons: Fun and educational content to support your journey.

      • Custom Workouts: Designed for all levels and can be done in minutes at home.

      • Custom Simple Tools: For tracking your progress easily on your phone, tablet, computer, or even on paper.

      Is This Guaranteed?
      Yes. If you follow the plan we develop 1-on-1 together, you will see and feel results quickly. To ensure you feel completely confident in joining, I’m offering a risk-free satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied at any time, you can stop the program at any time. No fees. No penalties. No nonsense.

      Do You Have Any Success Stories?
      • “Jonathan’s program changed my life! I lost 40 lbs and feel healthier than ever.”—Sarah M.
      • “I’ve tried everything, and this is the only program that worked for me. Highly recommend!”—John D.
      • “SANE has been a game-changer. I’ve lost 50 lbs and regained my confidence.”—Amy T.
      • “This program is amazing! I’m down 30 lbs and my energy levels are through the roof.”—Michael R.
      • “I love the personalized approach. It’s made all the difference in my weight loss journey.”—Emily B.
      • “Thanks to SANE, I’ve lost 25 lbs and feel better than I have in years.”—David K.
      • “Jonathan’s coaching is the best. I’ve shed 45 lbs and improved my overall health.”—Jessica H.
      • “The support and guidance I received were incredible. I’m now 35 lbs lighter and much happier.”—Mark P.
      • “I never thought I could achieve such results. I’ve lost 28 lbs and it’s been a fantastic experience.”—Laura C.
      • “SANE helped me lose 38 lbs and I’ve never felt more energetic and alive.”—Chris L.
      • “This program works! I’m down 33 lbs and I love the new me.”—Sandra W.
      • “Jonathan’s approach is second to none. I’ve lost 42 lbs and my life has changed completely.”—Paul G.
      • “I’ve tried many programs, but none worked like SANE. I’ve lost 31 lbs and feel amazing.”—Heather F.
      • “SANE made weight loss easy and enjoyable. I’ve lost 27 lbs and it’s been life-changing.”—Brian S.
      • “I can’t thank Jonathan enough. I’ve lost 40 lbs and regained my health and happiness.”—Anna J.
      • “This is the best decision I’ve ever made. I’m down 29 lbs and feel fantastic.”—James T.
      • “SANE provided the structure and support I needed. I’ve lost 34 lbs and it’s been an incredible journey.”—Lisa M.
      • “Jonathan’s coaching is simply the best. I’ve shed 36 lbs and my confidence is soaring.”—Steven H.
      • “I’m thrilled with my results. I’ve lost 32 lbs and I’m healthier than ever.”—Rachel P.
      • “SANE transformed my life. I’ve lost 35 lbs and I couldn’t be happier.”—Tom W.

      We only have a few spots left for this program, and they’re filling up fast. This is the only time this year I’ll offer this program, so don’t miss out. Plus, there’s no risk—if you’re not satisfied, you can stop at any time.

      Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued commitment to improving your health. I look forward to the possibility of working with you more closely through this new coaching program.

      PS I want to make sure you can get started today, so if you sign up today, it's only $99/month with ZERO contracts or nonsense. That price will never go up and you can cancel any time. There are no hidden fees.

      Basically, it's a cup of coffee per day and we get to do this TOGETHER 1-on-1. I'm excited and I hope you are too :-)
      I agree to the Terms and Conditions
      *Coaching is only $99/month and can be canceled any time by filling out this form or speaking with a customer care team member at (347)979-1735 M-F. Each month's coaching dues are nonrefundable. For your security, cancelation requests via other methods cannot be accepted.
      Copyright SANEStore 2021